- To reduce prescription drug abuse, start with the doctors | Editorial
Below is an editorial that ran last week on The information is vitally important to our communities. ### Here's a tragic reality that addicts know too well: The portal to heroin addiction is usually the family medicine cabinet. That's where you usually find bottles of oxycodone, Percocet, and other prescription medications – opioids with highly addictive qualities – and that is how 81 percent of addictions begin.
4th Grade Folder Contest Crowns a New Winner
The 4th Grade Folder Contest has long been a mainstay of the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey’s prevention strategy through the years. The concept is simple: we ask 4th grade students to illustrate all the fun things they can do instead of doing drugs.
Spring Clean Your Medicine Cabinet this Saturday!
This Saturday, the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey is pleased to collaborating with the NJ Office of the Attorney General and local, county, and statewide law enforcement partners on the DEA - NJ Division and New York/New Jersey HIDTA’s Spring Clean your Medicine Cabinet initiative. On April 25th we encourage all New Jersey resident to take stock of their medicine cabinet and rid them of their unused, unwanted, or expired prescription drugs at a local, permanent Rx collection site.
420 and What Parents Need to Know
There is an important date coming up that all parents need to be aware of. Don’t worry, it’s not Mother’s Day.
TIME: Heroin related deaths in America QUADRUPLED Since 2000
We have talked many times on this blog about the prescription drug and heroin abuse epidemic that has gripped our state. We know that there are thousands people affected by this issue and we know that on average, we lose two New Jersey residents a day to an opiate overdose.
ANGELINI: Legalized marijuana wrong for N.J.
Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini R - Monmouth has been a tireless collaborator and friend of the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey. She recently published an op-ed in the Asbury Park Press declaring legalizing marijuana as the wrong move for New Jersey.
AMCC Across the Country
Greetings from the road! Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting with Chief Sean Marschke of the Sturtevant Police Department in Sturtevant, Wisconsin.
91% of NJ Residents Want Information From Doctors About Addictive Qualities of Medications Being Prescribed
If you’ve been following current events in the substance abuse prevention field in New Jersey, or our Facebook and Twitter accounts then you are no doubt aware that on Thursday, the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey, in conjunction with Farleigh Dickinson PublicMind Poll, released a study showing that 91% of New Jersey residents want their doctors to share with them more information about the addictive nature of opioid prescription drugs they are prescribed. Two-thirds of those polled agreed that doctors taking this measure would help prevent potentially deadly abuse of prescription drugs, which can lead to heroin abuse and addiction.
Better Know a PDFNJ Program: School-based Programs
Welcome to our third and final installment of “Better Know a PDFNJ Program”! We hope its been an educational experience for all of our readers.
Better Know A PDFNJ Program: Drugs Don't Work in New Jersey
Welcome to another installment of our continuing series on the different programs the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey offers. Last week, we featured the 15 Minute Child Break, an interactive presentation to teach parents, grandparents, and caregivers about the latest trends in substance abuse and how to talk to their kids about these issues.