Guest Blogger: The deadly hold of prescription drug abuse
The following is an editorial written Steve and Elaine Pozycki, who serve on the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey's Board of Trustees. The editorial appeared in The Star Ledger and NJ.
New Jersey Ranks #11 in Fewest Overdose Deaths
Congratulations fellow New Jerseyians! According to a new report Prescription Drug Abuse: Strategies to Stop the Epidemic , we have the 11th lowest drug overdose mortality rate in the entire United States.
Goodbye "Breaking Bad"
“Breaking Bad” fans are saying a tearful goodbye to the critically acclaimed show. Last Sunday’s series finale marked the end of five controversial seasons.
Jada Pinkett-Smith Reveals Something All Parents Should Know
Last week, Jada Pinkett-Smith, extremely successful actress and wife of Will Smith, wrote a very poignant post on Facebook upon turning 42. She talks a bit about her life to this point, commenting on a series of addictions she’s had to push through.
6 Drug Trends You Need to be Aware Of
I will say one thing about the substance abuse prevention field: it’s never boring. The ways people will try to get high never cease to amaze me with the sheer recklessness of their actions.
"The Situation's" Situation
In a recent article in the Huffington Post, Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, of Jersey Shore fame, opened up about his battle with prescription drug addiction. During his stint on Dancing with the Stars, Sorrentino suffered an injury for which he was prescribed a medication.
Marijuana Legalization: Now What?
If you’re reading this from Washington or Colorado and you’re over 21, it is now lawful for you to buy, sell, and use marijuana. Never mind the fact that marijuana smoke contains carcinogens known to cause cancer.
PEDs and Your Young Athlete
Who didn’t want to be a professional athlete growing up? We’ve all fantasized about seeing our name in lights or coming up with the bases loaded in the bottom of the 9th or taking the last shot at the buzzer.
An Open Letter to Miley Cyrus
Dear Miley Cyrus, I wasn’t going to acknowledge the controversy surrounding your latest single, “We Can’t Stop” and the several references to ecstasy riddled throughout the lyrics. However, I recently came across a video that appears to show you lip synching to a new unreleased song in which you make several references to the aforementioned controversy.
Shout Down Drugs Now Available on Comcast
It’s a well known fact that music can inspire change in a community, protest singers like Bob Dylan and John Lennon can certainly attest to that. This idea of change through music led the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey to create New Jersey Shout Down Drugs.