Merry Christmas!
We wanted to take this opportunity to wish all of our friends and partners a Merry Christmas, from The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey!
We started a conversation with Geraldo Rivera, but how are we going to continue it?
In case you missed it, I had the privilege of being on “Geraldo at Large” on the Fox News Network to discuss heroin abuse in New Jersey and across the country. You can find a release as well as the full segment on our website.
Checking in with your College Student
The holiday season is upon us and thanks to the recent weather events, we may be treated to a white Christmas, just like the ones we used to know Thanks, Bing! . With the happiness that is associated with this time of year, is the joy of having your college-aged child home for the holidays.
Step 5 of 5: Talk to your kids
We now come to the end of our five week journey through the American Medicine Chest Challenge 5 Steps. We learned a lot along the way about prescription drug abuse and safe storage and disposal of unwanted, unused, and expired prescription medication.
PDFNJ targets new potential victims of alcohol abuse
MILLBURN – The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey has announced today that they will be designing a series of public service campaigns to address a new constituency that have been placed in a situation that encourages alcohol abuse. Based on a story from the Associated Press, vulnerable turkeys in New Hampshire are being force fed beer as a flavor enhancer, without concern of potential consequences associated with binge drinking.
Step 4 of 5: Take your medicine as prescribed & don't share
Tomorrow, as families throughout the country gather to share a meal of Thanksgiving, it is very appropriate that today’s blog be dedicated to Step 4 of the American Medicine Chest Challenge 5 Steps, which is to take your medicine as prescribed and don’t share your medicine with others. There are three main reasons why sharing prescriptions could be problematic.
Step 3 of 5: Dispose of your prescription drugs
We are more than halfway through our five-week journey through the American Medicine Chest Challenge 5 Steps. This week, we will talk about Step 3, which is to dispose of your unused, unwanted and expired medicine at an American Medicine Chest Challenge site.
Step 2 of 5: Secure your Medicine Chest
The American Medicine Chest Challenge National Day of Awareness was met with great success last Saturday. We couldn’t be happier with the response we received, but it’s important to remember that the National Day of Awareness is merely the conversation starter.
Step 1 of 5: Take Inventory
The American Medicine Chest Challenge’s National Day of Awareness is this Saturday, November 9. Communities all over the United States will be disposing of their unused, unwanted, or expired medications in an effort to stop prescription drug abuse once and for all.
You could be a drug dealer and not even know it
Over the past four years the American Medicine Chest Challenge has become the largest non-governmental public health response to the epidemic of prescription drug abuse. And, today that response continued as we gathered with law enforcement and the medical community at the Do No Harm symposium – a meeting to discuss solutions to the epidemic of prescription frug abuse.