
  • A Day of Rx Abuse Awareness

    Posted 11/5/2014 by Angelo M. Valente

    This Saturday marks the 5th Annual American Medicine Chest Challenge National Day of Awareness for Prescription Drug Abuse. Every second Saturday in November, we set aside some time to evaluate our medicine chests and rid them of our unused, unwanted, and expired prescription drugs.

  • A Safer Alternative to Opiate Prescriptions?

    Posted 10/22/2014 by Angelo M. Valente

    A new study released by the National Safety Council has confirmed that over-the-counter pain medications are more effective at relieving pain symptoms than their opioid counterparts. This is a fantastic development in New Jersey’s continuous struggle against the prescription drug abuse issue that has plagued our nation for many years and confirms what Partnership Co-Chair Elaine Pozycki suspected in her editorial a few months back.

  • Lack of Knowledge About Long Term Marijuana Effects Causing Problems in Colorado

    Posted 10/15/2014 by Angelo M. Valente

    Imagine, if you will, a controversial new product that has just come on the market and is being marketed to your kids. It’s so controversial, that the government has not commissioned any studies as to its safety and the general public doesn’t know many facts about it, only half truths, rumors, and misinformation.

  • NJ Parents Concerned About Rx Drugs Their Child is Prescribed, Want Information and Alternatives

    Posted 10/9/2014 by Angelo M. Valente

    The following is the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey's release on a study we collaborated with FDU Public Mind Poll. You can find this release, as well as some audio from a recent report on NJ 101.

  • Survey: 1 in 10 American Workers Show Up to Work High

    Posted 9/24/2014 by Angelo M. Valente

    According to a survey released Mashable and reported on by CNBC, indicates that 1 in 10 Americans show up to work under the influence of marijuana. What’s worse, nearly 82% of those who answered in the affirmative confirmed that they receive their marijuana illegally, which, if you reside in the state of New Jersey, includes just about every method of obtaining the drug, unless you have a medical marijuana license.

  • The Purity of Heroin in NJ

    Posted 9/17/2014 by Angelo M. Valente

    On the heels of the important announcement that pharmacies, hospitals, and other medical facilities are permitted to collect unused, unwanted, and expired prescription drugs, the DEA is warning New Jersey residents of an increase in heroin purity in our state. According to a recent report on NJ.

  • New regulations to help curb prescription drug abuse nationwide

    Posted 9/10/2014 by Angelo M. Valente

    I am pleased to report that on Monday, the federal government opened up a new front in the struggle against opiate abuse. According to The Washington Post, hospitals, pharmacies, and other medical facilities will be allow to collect unused, unwanted, and expired prescription drugs.

  • Opinion: Require prescription drug monitoring in New Jersey

    Posted 9/3/2014 by Angelo M. Valente

    Early last month, PDFNJ board members, Steven and Elaine Pozycki, released an editorial on, talking about the need to require prescription drug monitoring in New Jersey.

  • The Year of "Next Steps"

    Posted 8/27/2014 by Angelo M. Valente

    2014 has truly been a year of “next steps”. Our state has identified a problem and taken the appropriate next steps to solve the issue.

  • Partnership for Drug-Free Kids CEO Responds to the New York Times

    Posted 8/20/2014 by Angelo M. Valente

    The New York Times made headlines not to long ago by coming out in favor of marijuana legalization. Our national partners at the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids issued the following statement as a response to this article and as a message to parents everywhere.

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