Welcome to another installment of our continuing series on the different programs the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey offers. Last week, we featured the 15 Minute Child Break, an interactive presentation to teach parents, grandparents, and caregivers about the latest trends in substance abuse and how to talk to their kids about these issues. This week, we feature one for the adults by giving you PDFNJ’s Drugs Don’t Work in New Jersey program.
DDW began in 1992 and has been a part of the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey’s program offerings since 1999. Statistics have shown that nearly 70% of those who abuse drugs are employed and find employment through business and companies with either no drug policy or one that is not strictly enforced. Employees who are under the influence of drugs and alcohol are a danger to themselves and their fellow coworkers and, on average cost businesses an average of $42 billion a year.
Substance abuse in the workplace causes:
- Higher absenteeism
- More accidents
- Higher health care costs
- More theft
- Workplace violence
- Decreased productivity
Drugs Down Work in New Jersey’s purpose to help business owners and public sector employees overcome these problems by establishing drug-free workplaces. In fact, in a study we conducted with FDU Public Mind Poll, nearly 70% of companies that have established drug-free work places report that their policies are effective at reducing accidents and increasing producitvity. Interested parties are more than welcome to sign up on our website to become active members. Membership comes with a lot of perks, including:
- A Drugs Don’t Work in New Jersey employer kit to help plan a drug-free workplace program.
- Quarterly Updates to keep members informed about important legal and legislative developments concerning drug-free workplaces.
- An invitation to the Annual Members Seminar that focuses on important legal and legislative developments for maintaining a drug-free workplace
- A worksite visit from a Drugs Don’t Work in New Jersey field representative, trained to help businesses establish drug-free workplaces, upon request
I’ve mentioned before, but it bears reiterating: this program, as are all of our programs, is completely free of charge. We welcome businesses of all sizes to join the over 3,000 members of Drugs Don’t Work in New Jersey community in establishing drug-free workplaces. Even if you already have a drug-free workplace policy, the information we share in our quarterly updates and seminars is vital in making sure these policies are up to date. We look forward to having you on board to help us make sure that Drugs Don’t Work in New Jersey!