
  • Welcome to Herointown, New Jersey's 4th-largest city

    Posted 12/16/2015 by Angelo M. Valente

    As all of our PDFNJ blog readers know, the heroin epidemic is by far the #1 public health and safety issue facing families in New Jersey and the country today. The Star Ledger published a very comprehensive look at how heroin is impacting our neighbors and friends. Please take some time to read this comprehensive coverage and share it with as many friends and family as possible.

  • What does Twitter reveal about N.J.'s battle with heroin?

    Posted 12/9/2015 by Angelo M. Valente

    A national research company recently examined how social media was impacting the public perception of heroin. The following article from details specific New Jersey tweets and evaluates how NJ residents identify and define this epidemic as compared to the rest of the country.

  • Give Parents the Information Needed to Prevent Opiate Addiction

    Posted 12/2/2015 by Angelo M. Valente

    Below is an editorial by Steve and Elaine Pozycki. They are Board members of the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey with Elaine serving as Co-Chair. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NJ now has the 6th highest youth overdose rate in the nation. While addiction to opiate-based prescription pain killers and their illegal street cousin heroin is spreading in all demographic and age groups, teenagers are at particular risk. High school students who use prescription opioids like OxyContin, Vicodin and other pain relievers are 33 percent more likely to abuse the drug by the age of 23, according to a recent University of Michigan Study.

  • Thanksgiving Wishes from PDFNJ

    Posted 11/24/2015 by Angelo M. Valente

    This time of the year allows all of us the opportunity to reflect on what we are thankful for. At the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey we are thankful for the unwavering support we receive from so many throughout the year who help us spread our important messages.

  • White House Recognizes Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey for the Second Time in 5 Years

    Posted 11/18/2015 by Angelo M. Valente

    I take great pride in sharing with you the announcement that was made today by President Barack Obama in the 2015 National Drug Control Strategy recognizing the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey’s Do No Harm symposium series. In response to this epidemic PDFNJ in collaboration with the Drug Enforcement Administration-New Jersey Division, along with the support of HIDTA New York and New Jersey, has embarked upon a series of gatherings with New Jersey’s medical community to address the important role these professionals can have in reversing the alarming trends of opiate abuse.

  • Take the American Medicine Chest 5 Step Challenge This Saturday

    Posted 11/11/2015 by Angelo M. Valente

    The 6th Annual American Medicine Chest Challenge National Day of Awareness of Prescription Drug Abuse and Safe Disposal will be held on this Saturday, November 14th. As we approach the AMCC, I continue to encourage families throughout our state to take the 5-Step Challenge. I’m also looking back on how far we have come and so much has been achieved – hundreds of permanent disposal sites have been installed and thousands of tons of prescription drugs have been collected.

  • Smart Approaches to Marijuana Ranks the 2016 Presidential Candidates

    Posted 10/28/2015 by Angelo M. Valente

    Now that the 2016 presidential campaign is in full swing, it’s important for the American people to understand where their presidential candidates stand on the issues of marijuana. Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) released an analysis and rating of every candidate's position on a range of these issues.

  • Opiate Addiction Endangers Our Youth

    Posted 10/14/2015 by Angelo M. Valente

    While addiction to opiate-based prescription painkillers and their illegal street cousin, heroin has spread to all demographic and age groups, teenagers and young adults are particularly at risk. The teenage years are a “critical window of vulnerability for substance abuse disorders,” according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, “because the brain is still developing and still malleable.”

  • Easy Access to Narcan in New Jersey Will Save Lives

    Posted 10/7/2015 by Angelo M. Valente

    It has been over two years since Governor Christie signed the Overdose Prevention Act into law. Since that time many lives have been saved thanks to new and innovative efforts to get the message out about the opiate overdose antidote Narcan and calling 911. In an effort to save more people from dying, this week the pharmacy chain CVS announced that Narcan is available over-the-counter in New Jersey and 12 other states, including Pennsylvania.

  • The End of National Recovery Month and the Beginning of National Substance Abuse Prevention Month

    Posted 9/30/2015 by Angelo M. Valente

    Today is the last day of September and the end of National Recovery Month. The awareness generated by this month’s efforts usher us into October and National Substance Abuse Prevention Month. PDFNJ is providing a number of free services this month to make access to this important information even easier than before. The 15-Minute Child Break, a free one hour multi-media presentation is available for parents and caregivers in your community. Another resource from PDFNJ is the 5th Grade Parent Alert, sponsored by the Horizon Foundation of New Jersey.

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