Why Every Second Counts: Understanding Marijuana’s Impact on Youth

Running a second slower or missing the final shot can make or break a game in sports. For students, the difference between a "C" and a "B+" could mean acceptance to their dream school. As part of PDFNJ’s 2025 PSA campaign, parents and students are reminded that marijuana use by minors impacts coordination, concentration, and reaction time—skills critical for success in athletics, academics, and life.

According to the 2021 New Jersey Student Health Survey, 17% of students used marijuana in the past 30 days, and 3% tried it before age 13. While legal for adults, marijuana can harm developing brains, which continue maturing until the mid-20s. Cannabis use during adolescence may impair memory, attention, and problem-solving, leading to lower academic achievement.

The risks go beyond school. Frequent marijuana use has been linked to anxiety, depression, and even psychosis in those predisposed to mental health issues. Many teens also underestimate the dangers—32% see only a slight risk in weekly use, while 21% see no risk at all.

Parents, teachers and coaches play a key role in guiding kids. Start open conversations early, set clear boundaries, and educate yourself about marijuana and unregulated products like Delta-8 THC.

The choices teens make today can shape their future. Let’s work together to keep New Jersey’s youth on the path to success—in school, sports, and life. Every second counts. Every choice matters.

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