This Saturday, the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey is pleased to collaborating with the NJ Office of the Attorney General and local, county, and statewide law enforcement partners on the DEA - NJ Division and New York/New Jersey HIDTA’s Spring Clean your Medicine Cabinet initiative. On April 25th we encourage all New Jersey resident to take stock of their medicine cabinet and rid them of their unused, unwanted, or expired prescription drugs at a local, permanent Rx collection site.
Studies have shown that the medicine cabinet is a major point of access for prescription drugs among teens. Several years ago, the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey instituted the American Medicine Chest Challenge as a solution to this concern. AMCC is a nationwide public awareness campaign which encourages community members to follow the 5 Step American Medicine Chest Challenge and dispose of their prescription drugs. By safely ridding their homes of these dangerous substances, they eliminate the risk of drugs being stolen from their homes to be abused or sold on the street. If we all followed those 5 simple steps, then we could drastically reduce the abuse we are seeing in our state.
This is why we are pleased to be working with the DEA - NJ, NY/NJ HIDTA, NJ Office of the Attorney General, our partners at GCADA and NJPN, and local, county, and statewide law enforcement partners on this important initiative. American Medicine Chest Challenge and Project Medicine Drop permanent collection sites are always available, some 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Spring Clean Your Medicine Cabinet serves as a reminder that these services are available.
A complete listing of all American Medicine Chest Challenge locations can be find on our website. We encourage all New Jersey residents to participate in the awareness event on Saturday, but we hope they continue this behavior throughout the year.
For more information on Project Medicine Drop, click here.