New Jersey High Schools Now Required to Carry Naloxone

In June, the New Jersey State Legislature passed a law that will require high schools to maintain a supply of the opioid antidote, naloxone.

This is a positive step in fighting the opioid crisis, both in preparing schools to prevent a tragedy and by acknowledging an understanding of the widespread devastation the opioid epidemic has caused, especially among our state’s youth.

The law will require high schools to carry naloxone and make it accessible during school hours and school functions, develop a policy for administering the antidote, and allow the school nurse and other trained employees to use the antidote in the event of an overdose.

The thought of high school students overdosing at school is unthinkable, and one that many parents and communities might not be willing to accept as a viable threat, but the reality is that no community is immune to the opioid crisis. Overdoses have occurred in many public venues in recent years, including several at schools throughout the nation.

By having naloxone on the premises and a school nurse or other faculty member trained to administer it, there is a greater chance that lives can be saved and that these students could go on to receive the treatment and help they need.

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