A Spotlight on NJ's Harm Reduction Approach

This NJ Spotlight News story, “Recovery Services for People Not Ready or Able to Stop Using Drugs,” serves as a good example of the harm reduction approach being taken all over the state. The story starts with a woman, who was a victim of abuse, visiting a mobile van operated by Integrity House on the streets of Newark, and then goes on to explain how this new approach is serving those who may have a substance use disorder.

Robert Budsock, President and CEO of Integrity House, noted the changing perspective now taking place on harm reduction, “Integrity House has changed. My views have changed. The views of our board have changed, and the views of our staff have changed as a result of the research and the outcomes demonstrating how harm reduction saves lives.”

Throughout the state, similar harm reductions centers are now operating, and, through funds coming in from the opioid settlements, more are on the way. Meeting people where they are at, as opposed to where we want them to be physically and emotionally, is likely to be a contributing factor in the downward trend of overdose deaths occurring in New Jersey.

To keep up to date on ongoing efforts to address the opioid crisis in our state you can participate in the Knock Out Opioid Abuse Learning Series Webinars.


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