The American Medicine Chest Challenge’s National Day of Awareness is this Saturday, November 9. Communities all over the United States will be disposing of their unused, unwanted, or expired medications in an effort to stop prescription drug abuse once and for all. When we launched the American Medicine Chest Challenge, we couldn’t have been happier with the enthusiasm community leaders showed in ending this deadly epidemic. Fast-forward all these years later, we are still fighting alongside our public and private sponsors to stop it.
The cornerstone of the American Medicine Chest Challenge is its 5 Steps to ending prescription drug abuse. This is a list of simple tips and tricks all parents should take if they want to keep their kids safe. Over the next 5 weeks, I will be dedicating this blog to explaining in more depth each of steps and what they mean. So without further ado:
Step 1: Take inventory of your prescription and over the counter medication
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Far too many people don’t know what sorts of medications they have and how much. This makes it much easier for items to go missing. By taking an active interest in what is in your home, you will be privy to the signs of prescription drug abuse in your home.
Keep a list of what comes in and out of your medicine chest and the approximate quantities and check back often. You never know if your kids, their friends, or your guests will take medications from you. By taking this important step you are on your way to stopping the prescription drug abuse epidemic once and for all.
To find a location to safely dispose of your unused, expired, or unwanted medicine, please visit