Piscataway High School Senior Leads Life-Saving Opioid Awareness Effort

Piscataway High School senior Tanvi Narava is raising awareness about the dangers of opioid use and, in the process, inspiring others to join her mission for healthier communities. Tanvi’s efforts exemplify youth leadership and commitment to public health, making a substantial difference in the fight against the opioid epidemic.

For her Girl Scout Gold Award project—a prestigious honor that recognizes leadership and community service—Tanvi collaborated with PDFNJ to develop an informative and engaging webinar for its Knock Out Opioid Abuse Day initiative. This statewide event raises awareness about the opioid crisis affecting communities across the state.

This project aims to equip people, especially youth, with essential information on how to recognize the critical signs of an opioid overdose and the appropriate steps to take, including how to administer naloxone. This vital life-saving medication can reverse the effects of an overdose.

Through her initiative, Tanvi hopes to disseminate crucial information that can save lives and instill a sense of responsibility among her friends, families and broader communities throughout New Jersey. .

The webinar Tanvi recorded is part of a year-long series that is available as a free resource on the Knock Out Opioid Abuse Day website. It can be accessed by visiting  knockoutday.drugfreenj.org/training

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