In the News
Salem County Offers Opioid Education for Healthcare Professionals
Posted 2/8/2024
SALEM – The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey (PDFNJ) and the Salem County Prosecutor’s Office have teamed up to provide healthcare professionals with essential training in safe opioid prescribing practices.
Gloucester County Offers Opioid Education for Healthcare Professionals
Posted 2/8/2024
WOODBURY – The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey (PDFNJ) and the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office have teamed up to provide healthcare professionals with essential training in safe opioid prescribing practices.
Cumberland County Offers Opioid Education for Healthcare Professionals
Posted 2/8/2024
BRIDGETON – The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey (PDFNJ) and the Cumberland County Prosecutor’s Office have teamed up to provide healthcare professionals with essential training in safe opioid prescribing practices.
- Parents Should Be Aware of Painkillers Prescribed After Dental Surgery
Posted 2/5/2024
PDFNJ PSAs and contests raise awareness about the risks of opioid misuse.
PDFNJ Exhibiting at the NJ Landscape Contractors Association Expo
Posted 2/2/2024
PDFNJ will be exhibiting at the upcoming NJ Landscape Contractors Association Expo, providing technical assistance to businesses interested updating their drug-free workplace policies and procedures.
- - How this NJ law is helping to curb opioid prescriptions
Posted 2/1/2024
Legislation was enacted in New Jersey in 2017 to limit opioid prescriptions from 30 days to five days for acute pain in both inpatient and outpatient health care settings. A recent study, conducted at Morristown Medical Center, examined the effects of that law and found it is making a difference.
- - Message to NJ parents: Dentists getting kids hooked on drugs
Posted 2/1/2024
PDFNJ's latest campaign addresses the over-prescription of opioids in dental settings, particularly for wisdom teeth extractions among young people.
- - Thinking About Marijuana and Mental Health
Posted 1/31/2024
PDFNJ's Executive Director Angelo M. Valente responds to a Wall Street Journal article about the potential mental health risks faced by young people who use marijuana.
PSA Series by PDFNJ Highlights Risks of Opioids in Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Posted 1/31/2024
MILLBURN, NJ — PDFNJ has unveiled a series of public service announcements aimed at raising awareness about the risks associated with prescribing opioids for wisdom teeth extractions. These 15- and 30-second videos address the issue of teenagers being prescribed opioids by dentists to manage pain.
Study Highlights Outcomes of New Jersey's 2017 Opioid Legislation
Posted 1/30/2024
MILLBURN, NJ —A recent study conducted at Morristown Medical Center, titled "New legislation in NJ reduced opioid use among trauma patients," provides an analysis of the effects of NJ's 2017 opioid legislation. This research, evaluating changes in opioid prescription practices, follows the enactment of the law, a noteworthy initiative supported by PDFNJ.