PDFNJ Advocates for Increased Awareness During National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week
Contacts: Lisa Batitto, news@drugfreenj.org
Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey Advocates for Increased Awareness During
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
MILLBURN, NJ —With National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week approaching on March 18–24, the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey (PDFNJ) emphasizes the importance of educating communities, families, and youth about the impact of drug misuse on the state. This knowledge is particularly crucial in light of the nearly 3,000 overdose deaths in the state in 2022, many of which involved opioids.
PDFNJ's response to this epidemic includes educational programs and workshops targeted toward different age groups and sectors. These initiatives, such as the Middle School PSA Challenge, the Your Song! Your Voice! Shout Down Drugs competition, and the Fourth Grade Folder Contest are designed to engage young people creatively in promoting drug-free living.
Another key offering is the Learning Series, an ongoing effort that brings together experts and community members. This series provides a platform for discussing various aspects of drug misuse, including prevention strategies and the specific challenges posed by opioids.
“Our mission at PDFNJ is to continually provide resources and education to combat substance abuse issues in our state,” said Angelo Valente, Executive Director of PDFNJ. “Our programs are pivotal in offering New Jersey residents the insights and tools necessary to tackle drug and alcohol misuse challenges in our communities."
To learn more about PDFNJ's programs and initiatives, visit www.drugfreenj.org.
Best known for its statewide substance use prevention advertising campaign, the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey is a private not-for-profit coalition of professionals from the communications, corporate and government communities whose collective mission is to reduce demand for illicit drugs in New Jersey through media communication. To date, more than $200 million in broadcast time and print space has been donated to the Partnership’s New Jersey campaign, making it the largest public service advertising campaign in New Jersey’s history. Since its inception, the Partnership has garnered 226 advertising and public relations awards from national, regional and statewide media organizations.