Home for the Holidays: Talking to College Students


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 16, 2023
Contacts: Lisa Batitto, news@drugfreenj.org

Home for the Holidays: Talking to College Students
 about Mental Health and Substance Abuse


MILLBURN, NJ — When college students return home at the end of the semester, it is important for parents to provide a safe channel of communication to discuss the pressures they experienced at school. The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey offers parents guidance on how to engage their children in conversations about mental health and substance use.

Creating a Safe Space for Conversation: Parents should avoid surprising their children over Thanksgiving dinner and let them know they want to talk with them in advance. Tackling the issue early is vital, and creating a comfortable environment for a non-judgmental dialogue is equally important.

Addressing Mental Health and Wellness: Young adults face significant stress and mental health challenges, especially during their college years. Parents should begin the conversation by acknowledging these pressures and asking open-ended questions about their child’s experiences and coping mechanisms. This approach helps them understand the child’s pressures at school, and discussing healthy lifestyle choices, including diet, sleep, and exercise, becomes a natural part of the conversation.

Understanding Substance Misuse: With substances like alcohol, marijuana, and vaping prevalent among young people, discussing their risks is critical. Parents should educate themselves on the signs of substance use and stress the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices.

Empowering Young Adults: Parents should remind their children that they become increasingly accountable for their choices as they get older. Encourage them to enjoy college but to do so responsibly.

Role Modeling During the Holidays: The holiday season often involves increased alcohol and marijuana use among adults. Parents and guardians must set a positive example through their behavior.

Approach Matters: Ensure the conversation remains a dialogue, not a confrontation. Parents should maintain a supportive tone, be direct and honest, and conclude on a positive note, expressing love and support.

For more information and additional resources, visit drugfreenj.org.


Best known for its statewide substance use prevention advertising campaign, the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey is a private not-for-profit coalition of professionals from the communications, corporate and government communities whose collective mission is to reduce demand for illicit drugs in New Jersey through media communication. To date, more than $200 million in broadcast time and print space has been donated to the Partnership’s New Jersey campaign, making it the largest public service advertising campaign in New Jersey’s history. Since its inception, the Partnership has garnered 226 advertising and public relations awards from national, regional and statewide media organizations.